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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Disaster Strikes When You Expect It!

Contribution by Odis Chan

I just spent three hours watching the movie "2012" and I think that it is my new favorite movie. I watch my new favorite movie on demand on satellite TV from The reason I love this movie so much is because I think that Danny Glover did a good job playing the role of Barack Obama. It was convincing to see a black president in a suit. Presidents like to wear suits and act like they are important. Danny Glover had a lot of self importance, the most I have seen since "Gone Fishin'" with Joe Pesci. It's too bad they couldn't include Joe Pesci in this movie. Joe is so funny. Especially in Lethal Weapons (which stars the anti Semitic Mel Gibson). I also liked 2012 because they included the Dalai Lama. Buddhism is such an important religion. When the Dalai Lama rang the giant bell, I cried. He was so brave to stay behind and die in the tsunami waters. He really did something for his people there. The scene I didn't like was when John Cusack looks at a rotted, dead moose. I found this offensive because the movie makers obviously killed a moose and gutted it to be as realistic as possible. Speaking of super realistic, the special effects really helped the movie have a good storyline. Explosions equal movie making genius.

pic is courtesy of

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