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Sunday, June 26, 2011

This Movie is Not Expendable

Contribution by Darren Saunders

There have been a lot of movies that have come through theaters lately that have caught my eye. Many of you have probably seen these movies and thought, "I sure wish Johnny would review a movie that I am interested in." Well, don't have this thought anymore or ever again. I will now review a thousand movies before you can say "Meow!" Actually, I don't think this is possible anymore because time has slowed down. My favorite new movie is called "The Expendables". I watch this new movie on demand on satellite TV, that I got after seeing these, whenever I can handle all of the gore. Gore makes me really stomach sick but I really enjoy throwing up hence why I like "The Expendables" so much. There is a bad guy in the movie who sides with the other bad guys to betray the good guys. Really they're all jerks because they think it is morally acceptable to murder whenever they feel like. When I watch this movie I am reminded of "The Lion King" because of the betrayal and the murdering. Sylvester Stallone does a great job of being a forty year old murdered. Bruce Willis doesn't do as good of a job murdering people in this movie as he did in the Die Hard series. I think that Bruce should murder more people in his next action epic.

pic is courtesy of

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